The picture above shows me with my children at different times in my life. The one on the left is the most recent, with my 3rd child, baby Faith, who is now 20 months (March 2016). The picture on the right was taken 8 years ago in January 2008 with my boys, Ian at age 4 1/2 (now 12 1/2) and Dylan at age 2 (now 10) after I completed the ING Miami marathon beating my personal best time AND doing so in a negative split (meaning I ran the 2nd half faster than the 1st which is not the usual). 🙂
I have used these pictures to show that it was at that age – when my youngest children hit 18 months – that I felt that urge AND need to get back into fitness. I always walked and even ran during and after my pregnancies but each time, at around 18 months, I felt a need for getting FULLY back to me and to taking care of myself and getting really healthy again.
If you want to get back to yourself fully again, lose weight or tone up or simply have more energy, I’m excited to invite YOU to join me in this journey for your own self! Watch the video below and get back to me via the form here or via email at narahvalenskasmith (at) so that we can do this together and have a blast!
My NEW 28-day private online health & fitness group begins on Monday, June 20, 2016*. Enroll here now so that you can start your journey to healthy habits and achieving your goals with a group of awesome, like-minded people who support one another in living healthy, fulfilling lives.
* Please be advised that the earlier you enroll the better as you will receive coaching from me throughout that time and then during the 28 days of the actual challenge period!
All my love to you always,
Narah ❤️
“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to result.” – Bob Proctor